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Our Services

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You are at the heart of everything we do

At SANARAS, we offer individualized one on one coaching specific to your needs that helps you uncover psychological blocks (if any), clarify your objectives, work with you on a plan that will help you achieve your goals. This can be with the focus on performance, transition and/or wellbeing. In most cases, it can be a combination of them. We’re here to help you lead a more meaningful and balanced life, by applying a more holistic approach. It is hard to talk about performance, without first talking about your passion and purpose. We believe that they all go hand in hand. These two components are the building blocks that will help you not only unlock your potential, but also optimize performance. Equally, for us to continue to operate at our best, we need to invest in our overall wellbeing, which we will talk about in more detail below. Most of us will reach a point in our lives, where we want more. That ideal home, the perfect career, the perfect partner does not seem to be enough. We notice that we don’t perform at an optimal level anymore. Something is missing. Do you know what it is? Have you lost yourself along the way? Do you have time for things that you really care about? Do you have time for yourself?


The Building Blocks



  • Do you know what truly makes you happy?

  • What are the things you enjoyed doing as a child, but never got the chance to explore further?

  • What makes your heart sing, your eyes sparkle, and puts the biggest smile on your face? No, we’re not talking about your partner ☺

  • What gets you excited in life?


​We go deep to help you figure out what makes you truly happy and help you find that missing piece in your life. Working with more passion, happiness and fulfillment is the secret to the highest level of productivity and performance.



  • Many of us long to find a purpose in life. Do you know yours?

  • What is unique about you that you can offer to the world? 

  • How can you contribute and make the world a slightly better place?

  • How can you make a mark and celebrate your legacy?


Studies have shown that individuals who live their purpose live a longer, happier and healthier lives. Those with a strong sense of being part of a community and do their bit to contribute, experience a sense of fulfilment and joy that others may not.


Our Services


1:1 Coaching

Customised just for you

Individualised one on one coaching specific to your needs that helps you uncover psychological blocks (if any), clarify objectives, and work with you on a plan that will help you achieve your goals.



In Between Sessions

To help you achieve your goals, we will be providing you with activities that can be carried out in between sessions and in the comfort of your home.


Offline Assistance

Always there for you

You can reach out at any time and we will be there to support you. We aim to get back to you as soon as possible (certainly within 24 hours)

Areas of Focus



  • What are the factors that may be impacting your performance? Stress, anxiety, constant pressure to perform, fear of failure?

  • What are your ‘unshakable beliefs’? Are they helping you move forward or are they hindering you?

  • Do you know your strengths? Are there any that might be invisible to you?

That human beings only use 5 or 10% of our brain is a myth. That’s not true, but what is true is that we only use 5-10% of our true potential. When we dislike something we do, or when it becomes a struggle, it will become impossible to operate at an optimal level. External factors, such as stress and pressure also play a role. At SANARAS, we help you unlock and tap into your true potential and help you operate at a level you thought was impossible.


  • Are you ready to take that leap of faith and move into a new direction, but don’t know where to start?

  • Did the transition happen for you unexpectedly?

  • Do you want your transition to lead to growth and transformation?


Change triggers different emotions in all of us and we all deal with change differently. For some it’s excitement and they’re eager to explore new and different opportunities. However, too many options can also feel overwhelming at times. For others, it can trigger anxiety with the fear of the unknown causing stress and in some cases even leading to depression. No matter how you feel about change, they’re all valid. We will help you navigate this period in your life in the most effective way that serves you. 



  • Are you exercising, sleeping well, and breathing right?

  • Are you getting all the nutrition you need and are eating mindfully?

  • Are you taking time out for yourself to just be?


Wellbeing is a big umbrella term, but we are true believers that all the elements that make up that big term are important for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Going to the gym a few times a week, but not focusing on the right nutrition or allowing yourself to rest, is not going to give you the results that you aim to achieve. Having the right balance is key. At SANARAS, if this is one area of your life you want to work on and improve, we will be there to help you. By making small adjustments, bit by bit, we can work on a plan that will work for you to achieve your goals.

Are you ready to thrive?

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